ట్రాన్స్ఫర్ ఆర్డర్లు అందుకున్న టీచర్స్ కొత్త స్కూళ్లలో చేరుటగురించి అధికారులకు కమీషనర్ ఆదేశాలు జారీ

Present: Sri S.Suresh Kumar, I.A.S., Rc.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST4-CSE
Sub : School Education – Ensuring of subject teachers in the PreHigh Schools, High Schools & High School Plus and required number of teachers in Foundational Schools and Foundational School Plus – The Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules – Certain instructions issued– Regarding.
Read: 1) G.O.Ms.No.47, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:22.05.2023.
2) This office Procgs.Rc.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST4-CSE, Dt:22.05.2023.
3) This office Procgs.Rc.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST4-CSE, Dt:07.06.2023.
4) Transfers Orders generated for Headmasters (Gr.II), School Assistants in the State.
O R D E R: In continuation of the instructions issued in the references 2nd & 3rd read above and keeping in view of the transfer orders generated for Headmasters (Gr.II)/School Assistants (SAs)/Secondary Grade Teachers (SGTs), all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are hereby instructed to strictly adhere to Rule 15 of G.O.Ms.No.47 for relieving and joining the Headmasters (Gr.II)/School Assistants (SAs)/Secondary Grade Teachers (SGTs) concerned.
Further, all RJDSEs and DEOs in the State are requested to issue instructions to the field level functionaries i.e., Dy.EOs/MEOs/HMs etc., and ensure all HMs/Teachers report to their transferred places without any disturbances.
a. All competent authorities shall relieve and admit the Headmasters (Gr.II) and teachers.
b. Where there is no panel grade Headmaster, the Mandal Educational Officer concerned shall relieve and admit the teachers.
c. In case of a single subject teacher or SGT working in the school and getting transferred, he/she shall not be relieved without a substitute.
Muvva Ramalingam Joint Director, O/o.CSE.,
To All District Educational Officers in the State. All Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State.
Copy submitted to the Principal Secretary to Govt., School Education Dept., A.P.Secretariat, Velagapudi.
Copy to CSE Peshi. SC.