టీచర్లు, కాంప్లెక్స్ హెచ్ఎమ్స్ పూర్తి చేయవలసిన ట్రైనింగ్ నీడ్స్ అనాలిసిస్ సర్వే ప్రశ్నలు ఇవే !
టీచర్లు, కాంప్లెక్స్ హెచ్ఎమ్స్ పూర్తి చేయవలసిన ట్రైనింగ్ నీడ్స్ అనాలిసిస్ సర్వే ప్రశ్నలు ఇవే !
1. What according to you is the easiest topic to teach in the Grades 1-2 and subjects you are teaching. Why?
Topic example: Units & Sub-units from textbook, Skills for languages
Discuss as a group and mention one topic per subject
Minimum 2 responses for each grade to be mentioned.
Separate individual responses of teachers with a comma
1. What according to you is the easiest topic to teach in the Grades 3-5 and subjects you are teaching. Why?
Topic example: Units & Sub-units from textbook, Skills for languages
Discuss as a group and mention one topic per subject
Minimum 2 responses for each grade to be mentioned.
Separate individual responses of teachers with a comma
1. What according to you is the easiest topic to teach in the Grades 6-8 and subjects you are teaching. Why?
Topic example: Units & Sub-units from textbook, Skills for languages
Discuss as a group and mention one topic per subject
Minimum 2 responses for each grade to be mentioned.
Separate individual responses of teachers with a comma
1. What according to you is the easiest topic to teach in the Grades 9-10 and subjects you are teaching. Why?
Topic example: Units & Sub-units from textbook, Skills for languages
Discuss as a group and mention one topic per subject
Minimum 2 responses for each grade to be mentioned.
Separate individual responses of teachers with a comma
2. What according to you is the most difficult topic to teach in the Grades 1-2 and subjects you are teaching. Why?
Topic example: Units & Sub-units from textbook, Skills for languages
Discuss as a group and mention one topic per subject
Minimum 2 responses for each grade to be mentioned.
Separate individual responses of teachers with a comma
2. What according to you is the most difficult topic to teach in the Grades 3-5 and subjects you are teaching. Why?
2. What according to you is the most difficult topic to teach in the Grades 6-8 and subjects you are teaching. Why?
2. What according to you is the most difficult topic to teach in the Grades 9-10 and subjects you are teaching. Why?
3. What is the most effective teaching strategy you have applied in your classroom that has shown improvement in the student learning outcomes?
Discuss as a group and provide a minimum of 2 responses for each row
Separate individual responses of teachers with a comma
4. A. How many of you are aware about the following assessments?
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant is aware of an option
4. B. How many of you have access to a CBA school based report and used them for your classroom instructions?
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant is aware of an option
Each participant can only vote for one option
4. C. How many of you have access to the Misconception posters and used them for your classroom instructions?
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant is aware of an option
Each participant can only vote for one option
5. Rate yourself on explaining the concepts of the chapter using the new textbooks.
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant prefers an option
Each participant can only choose one option
5. Rate yourself on performing the activities and exercises of the chapters in the new textbooks.
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant prefers an option
Each participant can only choose one option
5. Rate yourself on creating/modifying lesson plans for classroom instructions using the new textbooks.
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant prefers an option
Each participant can only choose one option
6. Provide the specific support you would like to receive on usage of technology for classroom instructions?
Discuss as a group and mention at least 1 and maximum of 3
Separate individual responses of teachers with a comma
Key words: IFPs, Smart TVs, Creating presentations, QR codes
7. Provide the specific support you would like to receive in non-academic areas?
Discuss as a group and mention at least 1 and maximum of 3
Separate individual responses of teachers with a comma
Key words: Cultural activities, Quizzes, School clubs
8. Training on specific subjects, assessments, school leadership, foundation literacy and numeracy, life skills etc, are already planned or conducted. Apart from these training, is there any other training you would like to receive?
Discuss as a group and mention at least 1 and maximum of 3
Separate individual responses of teachers with a comma
9. There are three modes of delivery used for training: Online, In-person and Blended. Could you share out of these three - purely online, purely offline and blended which mode would you prefer?
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant prefers an option
Each participant can only choose one option
10. How much time would you be able to spend on the online training in a week?
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant prefers an option
Each participant can only choose one option
11. What is your preferred language in which to consume online modules?
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant prefers an option
Each participant can only choose one option
12. Please rank your teaching effectiveness for each area listed below. Mark the area where you're strongest as 'first priority' and the area needing most improvement as 'fourth priority'. Make sure each area gets a different priority.
Rate yourself in the area of Time on Learning.
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant prefers an option
Each participant can only choose one option
12. Please rank your teaching effectiveness for each area listed below. Mark the area where you're strongest as 'first priority' and the area needing most improvement as 'fourth priority'. Make sure each area gets a different priority.Rank yourself in the area of Classroom Culture.
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant prefers an option
Each participant can only choose one option
12. Please rank your teaching effectiveness for each area listed below. Mark the area where you're strongest as 'first priority' and the area needing most improvement as 'fourth priority'. Make sure each area gets a different priority.Rank yourself in the area of Lesson Facilitation.
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant prefers an option
Each participant can only choose one option
12. Please rank your teaching effectiveness for each area listed below. Mark the area where you're strongest as 'first priority' and the area needing most improvement as 'fourth priority'. Make sure each area gets a different priority.Rate yourself in the area of Socio-emotional Skills.
Count the participants for each option, and write the number next to the option
Write 0 if no participant prefers an option
Each participant can only choose one option
13. What challenges or barriers do you face that hinder your ability to show professional ethics in the classroom?
Discuss as a group and mention at least 1 and maximum of 3
Separate individual responses of teachers with a comma
Section D
14. Please upload a photo of the meeting with all the participants
Collection: AP Teachers TV
ట్రైనింగ్ నీడ్స్ అనాలిసిస్ సర్వే చేయు విధానం వీడియో
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